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As a writer, I weave poetry with images and actions, re-imagining linguistic possibility with passion and curiosity. As a thinker, I deconstruct society's invisible assumptions and explore new worlds of spiritual meaning. As an artist, I incorporate color, ritual, and symbol into my life and everything I create. If you want to wear, hang up, or write these re-imaginings, head over to my store, where I design things that I would want to wear and use, guided by the belief that ideas must become tangible and concrete. 


If you are interested in re-examining a broad range of topics, such as religion, globalization, and philosophical materialism, head over to Philosophy Bites, short blog posts adapted from social media posts. If you are interested in spiritual topics, watch my interview with the wonderful Suma Gowda here, covering (among other things) the highly misunderstood nature of religious stories, universal truths in Christianity, and why we can't talk about the "existence" of God. Or, read these essays about the real meaning of prayer, and how "gods" work in the world

A few years ago, I lived in the woods outside Catalonia, Spain and wrote a book called The Sea Once Swallowed Me: A Memoir of Love, Solitude, and the Limits of Language. In poetic prose, I grapple with freedom, identity, narrative, God, love, death (basically all those entangled ideas that haunt our spacetime-tethered lives). If you'd like to take a peek inside, I've made a free pdf excerpt for you here. Buy it on AmazonBookshopand Indie Bound.


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—Sondra Charbadze


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